Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

For those of you who dont know, we live in Las Vegas now and have for 3 years. We like the chance to be on our own and discover new things but also miss everyone back home!!! We are all happier than ever and count our blessings everyday. Drews buisiness is doing awesome! He is one of the hardest workers I know and we are soooo proud of him. Our kids are groing up way to fast and we cant believe that we will have a 5 year old come september. Ryann is going into Pre-k this year, i'm holding off sending her to kidergarten as long as I can! Jax will be 3 in november and I am not happy about it all! He and Ry have grown way to fast and he's not my little baby anymore. Ry and Jax are best friends and do everything together. Jax follows her around and does and says everything she does, I guess thats what comes with being a big sister, and she is good at and it shows. We look forward to keeping in touch with all of you and hope you enjoy our blog!